Saturday, December 12, 2009

little michael new york pt.3


What can I say - I had the best time ever living in Manhattan.

The yellow piece is based on my time working with my friends at Scholastic Books.  The blue piece is based on one of my favourite places in Manhattan - The dinosaur exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History.  If you have had the chance to see the exhibit then it is one of your favourite places too.

little michael new york pt.2

A self portrait of my self livin' it up in New York.

Based on a true story.

little michael new york pt.1

i heart homeless eating hagen daz

i heart 2.99 Obama t-shirts

i heart chocolate pizza

I heart free John Stewart tickets

I heart free VIP Conan tickets

I heart tom cruise in tropic thunder

i heart derek jeter getting picked off at first base in the 9th inning

i heart 17.99 burger and fries

i heart 9 dollar cheesecakes

i heart running the central park resevoir and east river to 

burn off the 17.99 burger and 9 dollar cheesecakes

i heart practicing my brooklyn accent(and am getting quite good)

i heart the world's largest selecting of breakfast cereal (cookie crisp my friends)

i heart crossing the street faster than anybody and everybody

i heart watching the jedi knight light saber battles in central park

I heart working across the street from David Bowie

i heart hating euro tourists

i heart you

have a blessed day


michael robot adams brodie